The source code for this entire project can be found on Github here:
The source code is set up so that the code can be run either as the primary server of a social network or it can be ran as a client of another server. The code is MIT licensed so feel free to make any changes to the code that you want and use it however you want.
In order to demonstrate the client functionality, there is a server set up here:
This server is set up as a client of the sandbox server so all the content it displays comes from the sandbox server.
The source code at the client server has the following values set in the `.env.php` file:
// API 'API_PREFIX' => 'jot_api_sand_', 'API_SUFFIX' => '_key', 'API_TYPE' => 'client', // client or server // Below items only needed if client. 'API_BASE' => '', // 'API_VERSION' => '/api/v0', // /api/v0 'API_REMOTE_USERNAME' => 'demo', 'API_REMOTE_KEY' => 'jot_api_sand_01234demo56789_key',